Glamour it is not, hard work it is...

…but it is so worth it! The marketing department, the sales department, the IT department, the accounting department, the complaint department. When you own your own business, it is you, yourself and YOU! No one will take care of your business, like you take care of your business.

I am in love with my business.

A typical day for me, when I have an event to service, looks like this:

I am up early, my alarm is always set for 6am except on the weekends, I am up and on my way (of course I do the usuals, you know shower, brush my teeth etc). I head down to my storage where all of my equipment is. This stuff is HEAVY. Usually I load 2 machines two cases of cotton candy, the cotton candy cart, the cotton candy pan and bubble, and a table. But before it is loaded the machine, bubble and pan must be cleaned. Oh, one thing I didn’t mention. I live on the 3rd floor, WHEW!

Once everything is cleaned and loaded, I am off to my event. Now, I never know what the circumstances will be once I arrive. I have had to climb 2 flights of stairs before, with all of my stuff. This required about 3 trips at the beginning of the event and 2 at the end, I was able to get a bit of help at the end!

The most enjoyable part of my business is actually spinning and serving clients at there events! The kids smile at the site of the cart and the older adults proceed to tell me stories of the first and last time they remember having cotton candy! It can be quiet the history lesson.

A grandpa had his young grandson with him. Grandpa stopped in his tracks and said “ Oh Lawd, lookee here!” The grandson of course was quite interested in having grandpa purchase a bag, and of course grandpa complied. Grandpa proceeded to tell me the last time he had cotton candy was the after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s death. Of course he expressed that it was a sad day and to drown his sorrows, he went looking for the rest of the bag of cotton candy, he had purchased the day before. Well, to his dismay, when he found the bag and all of the cotton candy had melted, he left the bag open!

These stories and moments between families make running and working this my business so enjoyable and well worth it. At the end of the day I am sweaty, achy and covered in cotton candy sugar, but getting up everyday with complete control over my day, the ability to form relationships with customers and do something I have been wanting to do for years, is literally priceless. Hard work it is, glamour it is not…but it is SO worth it!

As always welcoming comments, criticisms, critiques and spell checks!

Kristy RamseyComment