How I Stumbled Upon My Business Idea...And Other Rambling

On every website I check out about how to grow my business they say write a blog, so lets go ahead and give it a shot. I don’t have a solid plan on what to write (and I am not the best writer) about but lets just keep trying to see where this goes.

I started my cotton candy business 3 years ago, as a side hustle. The idea came from checking out a catalog that a co-worker received from a an account he service. I use to sling steel… yeah I know, glamorous right? I just so happened to flip to the cotton candy machines and thought yo myself, I’m going to start a mobile cotton candy business. Two years later, I did ( with my tax returns) and three years later here we are. Because of COVID19 I lost my job. During quarantine, all I did was think about what direction I wanted to take in my life. Quarantine is/was a literal crossroads in a lot of peoples lives. I know it definitely is/was for mine. So during this time, I decided to go all in, mostly and here we go full throttle ahead as a cotton candy slinger!

I recently learned a few things while doing research for my business and any business for that matter. LLC’s are cheaper than they use to be in Chicago (Thank you Illinois Law Makers). Profit First by Mike Michalowicz is a must read book, or in my case, a must listen to book (Audible is awesome by the way). Mike, I promise I have drawn a line in the proverbial sand and I am working on opening up my five bank accounts (I will run my business by this book). Mark Cuban says “only an idiot takes out a loan to start a business”, I think I tend to agree with the loan part, not the idiot part, after all tax returns are supposed to be used to start a business right? I’ve also learned that starting a business is the most gratifying, stressful, glorified, grind I have ever come across. Oh, I have also learned how A.D.D I really am as I have start two other businesses, Big Paw Guitars and Content Maven Media, (trust me, its a lot, its also a shameless plug) Lastly, I should have formed an LLC with the ability to establish a series hard head smack. Read is fundamental, SMH.

I think that is enough of me rambling for now, I am open to comments, concerns, questions, and critiques below. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings and I will definitely respond. P.S. I am human and I make mistakes, if you see a typo, my apologies, let me know and I will certainly fix it. English was NOT my major!

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